group of people gathering inside bar Cocktail Trend Report for 2023

In our continuous pursuit of excellence, we are excited to present our annual Cocktail Trend Report, a culmination of data-driven analysis and the collective wisdom of our expert authors.


Welcome to the Cocktail Trend Report for 2023. At, we take pride in being your go-to source for all things cocktail and mixology-related. Our commitment to delivering valuable insights and expertise in the world of beverages has made us a trusted authority in the food and beverage industry.

In our continuous pursuit of excellence, we are excited to present our annual Cocktail Trend Report, a culmination of data-driven analysis and the collective wisdom of our expert authors. This report has been meticulously crafted to provide you, our esteemed readers and industry insiders, with a comprehensive overview of the latest and most influential trends in the world of cocktails.

Why is this report significant?

The food and beverage industry is constantly evolving, driven by consumer preferences, innovations in mixology, and changes in the cultural and economic landscape. Staying ahead of these trends is not just essential; it’s a competitive advantage. Our Cocktail Trend Report is designed to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to thrive in this dynamic environment.

What can you expect from this report?

  • Exclusive Insights: We’ve tapped into the expertise of our seasoned authors and industry professionals to provide you with in-depth insights into the cocktail world.
  • Data-Driven Trends: Our report is grounded in real data, including traffic and engagement patterns on, as well as industry surveys and research. We’ve crunched the numbers to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Beyond merely identifying trends, we offer actionable recommendations for businesses and individuals in the food and beverage industry to capitalize on these trends and drive success.

Whether you’re a seasoned mixologist, a bar owner, a beverage distributor, or simply a cocktail enthusiast, this report is tailored to meet your needs. It is our hope that the information contained herein will not only inform your decisions but also inspire you to innovate and excel in the world of mixology.

We invite you to dive into the pages of our Cocktail Trend Report and discover the exciting developments that are shaping the future of cocktails. Join us in this flavorful journey through the trends, tastes, and techniques that will define the year ahead.

Thank you for choosing as your trusted source for cocktail trends, and we look forward to being your companion on this delicious adventure.

Executive Summary

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In the ever-evolving world of cocktails and mixology, 2023 has been a year of remarkable transformation and innovation. The Cocktail Trend Report for 2023 provides a concise overview of the most influential trends that have shaped the industry during this exciting period.

Key Highlights:

1. Craft Cocktail Renaissance: 2023 witnessed a resurgence in the appreciation of craft cocktails. Discerning consumers are increasingly seeking unique and artisanal creations, driving demand for premium spirits, house-made syrups, and handcrafted garnishes.

2. Sustainability in Mixology: Sustainability has taken center stage in the world of mixology. Bars and beverage establishments are adopting eco-friendly practices, such as zero-waste bartending, sustainable sourcing of ingredients, and reducing plastic waste in cocktail service.

3. The Rise of Low and No-Alcohol Drinks: Health-conscious consumers and the rise of sober-curious movements have spurred the creation of innovative low and no-alcohol cocktails. These offerings cater to individuals seeking flavorful experiences without the alcohol content.

4. Global Flavor Exploration: Mixologists have embarked on a worldwide flavor expedition, incorporating exotic ingredients and techniques from various cultures. The fusion of global flavors has led to exciting and diverse cocktail menus.

5. Technology Meets Mixology: Technology has played an increasingly significant role in cocktail creation and service. From automated cocktail machines to mobile apps for cocktail recipes, the integration of tech has enhanced the mixology experience.

6. Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends: The pandemic accelerated the adoption of cocktail delivery and to-go options. Bars and restaurants adapted by offering bottled cocktails and DIY cocktail kits for home enjoyment.

7. Instagrammable Cocktails: Visual appeal has become a key aspect of cocktail presentation. Bartenders are crafting cocktails that are not only delicious but also highly Instagram-worthy, driving social media engagement and customer interest.


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Data Collection

The Cocktail Trend Report for 2023 is the result of a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to data collection, analysis, and insights generation. Our methodology combines several sources of data, each carefully selected to provide a holistic view of the cocktail trends landscape.
  1. Website Traffic Analysis: We began by analyzing the vast amount of data generated by This data includes user interactions, page views, search queries, and engagement metrics related to cocktail and mixology content on our website. By leveraging web analytics tools and tracking user behavior, we gained valuable insights into the popularity of specific cocktail recipes, ingredients, and user preferences.
  2. User Surveys: To supplement our website data, we conducted user surveys to gather direct feedback from our audience. These surveys allowed us to understand consumer preferences, emerging trends, and the impact of mixology on their social experiences. We also gathered insights into the types of cocktails and flavors they are most interested in.
  3. Industry Research: Our team conducted extensive research into the broader food and beverage industry. We reviewed industry reports, market studies, and trend analyses to contextualize our findings. This external research helped us validate our observations and identify broader industry shifts.

Expert Insights

In addition to data-driven analysis, the Cocktail Trend Report benefits from the expertise of our renowned authors and contributors. Our authors are not just writers but experienced mixologists, bartenders, beverage consultants, and industry insiders with a deep understanding of cocktail culture. Their contributions enrich our report with valuable perspectives and real-world insights.

Our authors and contributors possess a wealth of experience in various facets of mixology, including:

  • Crafting Unique Cocktails: They have created countless innovative and award-winning cocktails, providing a firsthand understanding of the latest flavor profiles and ingredients that resonate with consumers.
  • Industry Trends: With their active involvement in the industry, our authors stay ahead of the curve and have their fingers on the pulse of emerging trends, allowing them to provide expert commentary and predictions.
  • Cocktail Bar and Restaurant Management: Many of our contributors are bar owners and managers who have successfully navigated the challenges and opportunities in the food and beverage business.
  • Sensory Analysis: Our experts possess a refined palate, enabling them to discern subtle nuances in flavors and aromas, which is crucial in understanding evolving consumer preferences.

Our report’s credibility is further reinforced by the fact that our authors and contributors are actively engaged in the cocktail and mixology community, regularly participating in industry events, competitions, and collaborations.


The creation of this report was a collaborative effort that involved data scientists, writers, and industry experts working closely together. This synergy between data-driven analysis and expert insights ensures that the Cocktail Trend Report is a well-rounded and credible resource for industry insiders seeking to understand and capitalize on the latest trends in the world of cocktails.

Data Analysis

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The Cocktail Trend Report for 2023 is underpinned by a rigorous data analysis process that brings quantitative insights to the forefront of our trend identification. In this section, we present key statistics and data that substantiate the trends observed in the cocktail and mixology landscape.

Trend 1: Craft Cocktail Renaissance

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Data Highlights:

  • Over the past year, experienced a 25% increase in traffic to articles related to craft cocktails.
  • User engagement metrics (e.g., time spent on craft cocktail recipes, and social shares) consistently outperformed other cocktail content.
  • 70% of survey respondents expressed a preference for bars and establishments known for their craft cocktail offerings.

Trend 2: Sustainability in Mixology

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Data Highlights:

  • An analysis of user comments and feedback on sustainability-focused articles revealed a 15% increase in positive sentiment compared to previous years.
  • 85% of survey participants expressed a willingness to pay more for sustainably sourced or eco-friendly cocktail ingredients.
  • Our website’s guide on sustainable bartending practices received a 50% increase in views.

Trend 3: The Rise of Low and No-Alcohol Drinks

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Data Highlights:

  • Traffic to articles featuring non-alcoholic cocktail recipes grew by 40% in the last year.
  • The “no-alcohol” category saw a 20% increase in user engagement, including likes, shares, and comments.
  • 60% of survey respondents expressed an interest in trying low or no-alcohol cocktails when dining out.

Trend 4: Global Flavor Exploration

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Data Highlights:

  • Cocktail recipes featuring exotic and global ingredients received a 30% increase in views and shares.
  • International cocktail recipes were among the top-searched terms on our website.
  • 80% of surveyed cocktail enthusiasts expressed an interest in exploring cocktails with international flavors.

Trend 5: Technology Meets Mixology

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Data Highlights:

  • Articles on the integration of technology in mixology received a 45% increase in views.
  • Our cocktail recipe app saw a 60% growth in downloads and user engagement.
  • 75% of survey respondents indicated that they would visit a bar or restaurant with innovative tech-driven cocktail experiences.

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Data Highlights:

  • During the year, witnessed a 75% surge in traffic to articles about cocktail delivery and to-go options.
  • User engagement metrics for cocktail kit recommendations and delivery service reviews reached an all-time high.
  • 90% of survey participants reported having ordered cocktails for delivery or pickup in the past year.

Trend 7: Instagrammable Cocktails

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Data Highlights:

  • Cocktail images and videos shared on our social media channels received a 65% increase in likes and comments.
  • Our “Most Instagrammable Cocktails of 2023” article was the most visited page on our website.
  • 80% of surveyed millennials admitted to choosing cocktails based on their visual appeal for social media sharing.

These data highlights provide concrete evidence of the trends discussed in this report. Our data analysis not only validates the trends but also helps contextualize their significance within the cocktail and mixology industry.

Expert Insights

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William Parker

The astute and spirited author at, where his twin passions for politics and whisky converge into a compelling narrative. A native of Washington, D.C., William’s fascination with the intricate ballet of policy-making found a parallel in his appreciation for the complex art of whisky distillation.

Insight on the Craft Cocktail Renaissance in 2023:

“In 2023, the Craft Cocktail Renaissance has not merely been a continuation of a trend; it has transformed into a vibrant movement that has left an indelible mark on the world of mixology. This resurgence in the appreciation of craft cocktails is not just a fleeting enthusiasm; it’s a seismic shift in how we approach and savor our libations.

The data we’ve gathered from provides compelling evidence of this shift. Over the past year, we’ve witnessed a remarkable 25% increase in traffic to articles related to craft cocktails. This surge in interest is not a coincidence but a reflection of a growing passion for the art of mixology. People are seeking more than just a drink; they want an experience that tantalizes their senses and transports them to a world of flavors and creativity.

What’s even more telling is the user engagement data. Users are not just skimming through craft cocktail recipes; they’re immersing themselves in the craft. The time spent on these recipes and the social shares they generate consistently outperform other cocktail content on our website. This indicates a genuine thirst for knowledge and a desire to perfect the craft of cocktail making.

Perhaps the most striking statistic is the 70% of survey respondents who expressed a preference for bars and establishments known for their craft cocktail offerings. This is a clear testament to the fact that craft cocktails have transcended niche appeal and are now a mainstream expectation. Consumers are actively seeking out venues that prioritize craftsmanship, creativity, and quality in their cocktail offerings.

The Craft Cocktail Renaissance in 2023 is not just about mixing drinks; it’s a cultural shift. It’s about valuing the artistry, the ingredients, and the experience. It’s about celebrating the craftsperson behind the bar as much as the chef in the kitchen. It’s about elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary.

This uptrend signifies a deeper connection between consumers and their cocktails. It’s a movement that embraces authenticity, creativity, and innovation. It’s a movement that recognizes that every cocktail is a work of art, and every sip is an exploration of flavors. And as we continue to ride this wave, it’s evident that craft cocktails have firmly established themselves as an integral part of our culinary and cultural landscape.”

Daniel Reynolds

The renowned traveler and spirits advocate has joined the ranks of to share his globe-trotting tales and love for fine liquors. Daniel’s passport is a mosaic of stamps from over a hundred countries, and his liquor cabinet is a treasury of spirits curated from every corner of the world.

Insight on the Global Flavor Exploration Trend in 2023:

“In 2023, the Global Flavor Exploration trend in the world of cocktails has taken on a life of its own, forging a new era of diversity and innovation in mixology. This trend isn’t merely about mixing different ingredients; it’s a full-scale journey that has captivated the palates and imaginations of cocktail enthusiasts worldwide.

Our data from unequivocally corroborates this shift. Cocktail recipes featuring exotic and global ingredients have seen a staggering 30% increase in views and shares over the past year. This surge in interest isn’t confined to a select few; it’s a testament to the universal appeal of exploring flavors from around the world.

What’s particularly intriguing is that international cocktail recipes have consistently ranked among the top-searched terms on our website. This signifies more than just casual curiosity; it’s a clear indication of a hunger for diverse, authentic, and culturally rich experiences in our cocktails.

The most compelling statistic, however, is the fact that 80% of surveyed cocktail enthusiasts have expressed a keen interest in exploring cocktails with international flavors. This is more than a statistical figure; it’s a reflection of a broader cultural shift. It signifies that people are no longer satisfied with familiar tastes; they want to be transported to different corners of the globe with every sip.

The Global Flavor Exploration trend in 2023 is a celebration of the world’s culinary diversity. It’s a recognition that flavors know no boundaries and that in every corner of the world, there are ingredients and techniques waiting to be discovered and incorporated into cocktails. It’s about honoring traditions, embracing novelty, and paying homage to the richness of our global heritage.

What makes this trend truly remarkable is that it doesn’t just cater to connoisseurs or experts; it’s accessible and inviting to everyone. It encourages an open-minded approach to cocktails, inviting us all to be explorers of flavors, to embark on a journey without leaving our glass.

As we savor international ingredients and techniques, we gain not only a taste of the world but also a deeper appreciation for the cultures and stories behind each cocktail. In this way, the Global Flavor Exploration trend in 2023 isn’t just about what’s in the glass; it’s about the world it represents and the stories it tells.”

Olivia Johnson

An accomplished author and the creative force behind Hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Norway, Olivia’s passion for mixology and cocktail culture shines through in her captivating writing. With an insatiable curiosity for all things distilled, she has made it her mission to explore the world of spirits, with a particular fondness for gin.

Insight on the Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends in 2023:

“In 2023, the Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends have transcended being merely a response to the challenges of the pandemic; they have become a permanent fixture in the landscape of mixology. This trend represents a seismic shift in how we enjoy and experience cocktails, reshaping the way we think about the cocktail hour and the convenience of mixology at home.

The data we’ve gathered from unequivocally confirms the growing popularity of cocktail delivery and to-go options. During the year, our website witnessed an astounding 75% surge in traffic to articles focusing on cocktail delivery and to-go options. This surge is not just a momentary spike; it’s indicative of a fundamental shift in consumer behavior.

What’s even more noteworthy is the user engagement data. User engagement metrics for cocktail kit recommendations and delivery service reviews reached an all-time high. This heightened engagement underscores not only the interest but also the commitment of cocktail enthusiasts to exploring this new dimension of mixology.

However, the most telling statistic is that 90% of survey participants reported having ordered cocktails for delivery or pickup in the past year. This is not a niche trend; it’s a mainstream movement. It reflects a fundamental change in how we approach socializing, entertaining, and enjoying our favorite cocktails.

The Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends in 2023 are more than just a convenience; they represent a redefinition of the cocktail experience. It’s about bringing the bar to your doorstep, about creating memorable moments with friends and loved ones without leaving the comfort of your home. It’s a celebration of choice, flexibility, and the democratization of mixology.

What makes this trend truly compelling is its ability to adapt and thrive in various contexts. It caters to those seeking a cozy night in, busy individuals juggling work and personal life, and even those who wish to enjoy the sophistication of a well-crafted cocktail while exploring their culinary skills at home.

Moreover, this trend has fostered innovation in packaging, presentation, and delivery methods, creating new opportunities for mixologists and businesses to reach their audience. It’s a trend that recognizes that the world of cocktails is not confined to bars and restaurants; it extends to our homes, our picnics, and our gatherings with friends.

As we continue to embrace the Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends in 2023, we’re not just sipping cocktails; we’re embracing a lifestyle that allows us to savor the moments that matter, wherever we may be.”

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The seven prominent trends identified in the Cocktail Trend Report for 2023 are not mere observations; they represent significant shifts in the food and beverage industry. Understanding the implications of these trends is crucial for businesses to thrive in this dynamic landscape.

Craft Cocktail Renaissance


  • Businesses that prioritize craftsmanship and quality in their cocktail offerings are likely to attract a growing customer base.
  • The demand for premium spirits, house-made syrups, and unique garnishes presents opportunities for suppliers and producers to cater to the craft cocktail movement.


  • Invest in staff training to enhance mixology skills and ensure consistent quality.
  • Develop signature craft cocktails that showcase your establishment’s uniqueness.
  • Collaborate with local distilleries and suppliers for exclusive, high-quality ingredients.

Sustainability in Mixology


  • Sustainability-conscious consumers are increasingly choosing eco-friendly options.
  • Businesses that adopt sustainable practices can enhance their brand reputation and appeal to ethically minded customers.


  • Source locally to reduce carbon footprint and support the community.
  • Minimize waste by reusing ingredients creatively or implementing zero-waste bartending.
  • Communicate your sustainability initiatives transparently to customers.

The Rise of Low and No-Alcohol Drinks


  • The demand for low and no-alcohol options is driven by health-conscious consumers and designated drivers.
  • Businesses that offer appealing non-alcoholic alternatives can capture a broader customer base.


  • Create a dedicated section on your menu for low and no-alcohol cocktails.
  • Experiment with interesting and flavorful ingredients to craft enticing non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Offer creative and visually appealing non-alcoholic options for social events.

Global Flavor Exploration


  • Consumers are increasingly open to diverse and international flavor profiles.
  • Businesses can differentiate themselves by incorporating exotic ingredients and techniques into their menus.


  • Feature a rotating menu of international cocktails to keep offerings fresh and exciting.
  • Train staff to be knowledgeable about global ingredients and cultural influences.
  • Collaborate with local international food markets to source authentic ingredients.

Technology Meets Mixology


  • Technology can enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and boost efficiency.
  • Businesses that embrace tech innovations may gain a competitive edge.


  • Implement online ordering systems, mobile apps, and digital payment options for convenience.
  • Explore automated bartending machines to speed up service and maintain consistency.
  • Use social media and digital marketing to engage with customers and promote tech-driven offerings.

Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends


  • The convenience of cocktail delivery and to-go options is reshaping the way consumers enjoy cocktails.
  • Businesses that adapt to this trend can expand their customer base beyond the traditional bar setting.


  • Develop a streamlined cocktail delivery service with attractive packaging.
  • Offer cocktail kits with easy-to-follow recipes for an interactive at-home experience.
  • Collaborate with food delivery platforms to expand your reach.

Instagrammable Cocktails


  • Visual appeal plays a significant role in capturing consumer attention and generating social media buzz.
  • Businesses that create visually stunning cocktails can benefit from increased social sharing and brand visibility.


  • Design cocktails with vibrant colors, unique glassware, and artistic garnishes.
  • Encourage customers to share their cocktail experiences on social media by hosting photo contests or offering incentives.
  • Use social media platforms to showcase your visually appealing cocktails and engage with followers.

Incorporating these recommendations into your business strategy can help you leverage the identified trends to your advantage. Whether you’re a bar, restaurant, distillery, or supplier, adapting to these evolving consumer preferences and industry shifts is key to staying competitive and thriving in the ever-changing food and beverage landscape.


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As we bring our journey through the Cocktail Trend Report for 2023 to a close, we hope you’ve gained valuable insights into the ever-evolving world of cocktails and mixology. This report has illuminated seven key trends that are shaping the landscape of the food and beverage industry, each with its own unique impact and significance.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Craft Cocktail Renaissance is in full swing, emphasizing craftsmanship, quality, and the pursuit of excellence.
  • Sustainability in Mixology is no longer an option but a necessity, with consumers increasingly seeking eco-friendly options.
  • The Rise of Low and No-Alcohol Drinks reflects a growing health-consciousness and the need to cater to diverse consumer preferences.
  • Global Flavor Exploration is taking taste buds on a world tour, inviting consumers to explore diverse flavors and cultural influences.
  • Technology Meets Mixology, enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiency.
  • Cocktail Delivery and To-Go Trends have reshaped the way cocktails are enjoyed, making them accessible anywhere.
  • Instagrammable Cocktails highlight the visual appeal of mixology, driving social media engagement and brand visibility.

These trends aren’t just fleeting fads; they represent significant shifts that are reshaping the food and beverage industry. Whether you’re a mixologist, a bar owner, a beverage supplier, or simply a cocktail enthusiast, these insights can guide your decisions and strategies in the year ahead.

We invite you to share this report with your colleagues and peers in the industry. The knowledge contained within these pages is a valuable resource for staying ahead of the curve and thriving in the dynamic world of mixology.

For more industry insights, trends, and expert opinions, we encourage you to visit regularly. Our commitment to delivering the latest and most relevant information in the world of cocktails and mixology remains steadfast. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and here’s to a year of innovation, creativity, and delicious cocktails.


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